White Paper: Achieve Better Health Outcomes with MTM

Learn how going beyond MTM improves patient health

As the population of patients with polychronic conditions increases, medication management programs must also evolve to meet unique patient needs.

In this white paper, we challenge pharmacy, quality, and clinical leaders to look beyond traditional MTM measures for new, innovative strategies to optimize medication use and improve health outcomes.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Current challenges with MTM delivery
  • The out-of-control costs and harm that result from non-optimized medications
  • How to make comprehensive medication management programs scalable and patient-centric

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As the population of patients with polychronic conditions increases, medication management programs must also evolve to meet unique patient needs.

In this white paper, we challenge pharmacy, quality, and clinical leaders to look beyond traditional MTM measures for new, innovative strategies to optimize medication use and improve health outcomes.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Current challenges with MTM delivery
  • The out-of-control costs and harm that result from non-optimized medications
  • How to make comprehensive medication management programs scalable and patient-centric

White Paper: Achieve Better Health Outcomes with MTM

Learn how going beyond MTM improves patient health

Fill out the form to get the white paper:

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Improved Team Efficiency

No More One-Size Fits All

Personalize care to each patient to deliver safe, effective medication therapy that improves health equity. Arine’s medication intelligence platform enables your team to operate more efficiently while having a greater health and economic impact on your population.


Find low-touch, high-impact interventions your care team can make to drive quality, clinical, and economic outcomes.

Analyze social, clinical, and behavioral data to deliver effective, personalized, evidence-based medication management.

Track care plan recommendation implementation across provider networks, ensuring members are receiving the best possible care.

Arine allows my team to serve more patients, better and faster. The Arine supports the delivery of tailored, actionable recommendations to our patients.

Lindsey Valenzuela, PharmD, BACP

VP Population Health Integration, Desert Oasis Healthcare

Improved Clinical Outcomes for All

Comprehensive View

Comprehensive View

Care teams benefit from a full picture of patient characteristics such as language, health status, health literacy, and insurance coverage.

Proactive Interventions

Proactive Interventions

Predictive analytics allow care teams to quickly identify medication-related problems and intervene with patients at highest risk.

Automated Care Plans

Patient Satisfaction

Empower your patients with personalized interventions tailored to their daily lives.

Start Improving Outcomes with Arine

Get the white paper.