Webinar: Medication Optimization

The Missing Link in Value-Based Care

Medication management programs have been a standard part of healthcare for over a decade now, and yet they have done little to impact the 16% of healthcare spending wasted on medication-related problems.

In this comprehensive presentation, you'll learn:

  • How AI-enabled medication optimization can help patients achieve their health goals
  • Why medication optimization is critical to reducing cost of care
  • How medication optimization can improve quality scores

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Register today for an engaging pre-recorded session to enhance your outcomes and reduce overall cost of care:


Webinar: Medication Optimization

The Missing Link in Value-Based Care

Register today for an engaging pre-recorded session to enhance your outcomes and reduce overall cost of care:


Medication management programs have been a standard part of healthcare for over a decade now, and yet they have done little to impact the 16% of healthcare spending wasted on medication-related problems.

In this comprehensive presentation, you'll learn:

  • How AI-enabled medication optimization can help patients achieve their health goals
  • Why medication optimization is critical to reducing cost of care
  • How medication optimization can improve quality scores

Featured Speaker

Terry McInnis, MD, MPH, CPE

Terry McInnis, MD, MPH, CPE

Advisor, Arine

Terry is a recognized national expert in effective pharmacy spend and medication management. She currently serves as President of Blue Thorn Inc. and as an advisor to Arine, an AI-driven technology company devoted to optimizing medications. A strategist in value-based care, she has successfully positioned organizations throughout the healthcare continuum to assume risk.


Reduction in Hospitalizations


Reduction in Cost of Care

4-5 Stars

Ratings Achieved

No More One-Size-Fits-All

Personalize care to each patient to deliver safe, effective medication therapy that improves health equity. Arine’s medication intelligence platform enables your team to operate more efficiently while having a greater health and economic impact on your population.

Arine Behavioral Health

Find low-touch, high-impact interventions your care team can make to drive quality, clinical, and economic outcomes.

Analyze social, clinical, and behavioral data to deliver effective, personalized, evidence-based medication management.

Track care plan recommendation implementation across provider networks, ensuring members are receiving the best possible care.

Improved Clinical Outcomes for All

Comprehensive View

Comprehensive View

Care teams benefit from a full picture of patient characteristics such as language, health status, health literacy, and insurance coverage.

Proactive Interventions

Proactive Interventions

Predictive analytics allow care teams to quickly identify medication-related problems and intervene with patients at highest risk.

Automate Care Plans

Patient Satisfaction

Empower your patients with personalized interventions tailored to their daily lives.

Join the Health Plans and Providers Improving Outcomes with Arine

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Register Now

Learn how safe, effective, and appropriate medication optimization helps care teams deliver outcomes at scale through medication intelligence.